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Schofield & Sims Spelling is a structured and rigorous programme designed for Key Stages 1 and 2 and also suitable for some older students. Comprising six pupil books and an accompanying teacher’s guide and teacher’s resource book, this comprehensive series builds on pupils’ phonics knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words. Each Spelling pupil book:
systematically introduces spelling conventions and revises those already taught
explores word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin
suggests strategies for remembering common ‘exception words’ (also known as ‘tricky words’)
teaches pupils how to monitor and correct their own spelling
encourages pupils to write sentences from memory or dictation
contains answers to all the questions in the back of the book.
Spelling Book 5 supports the National Curriculum requirements for Year 5 and covers the following topic areas: using further prefixes and suffixes and applying rules for adding suffixes; spelling words with silent letters; using knowledge of word structure and word origins; learning to spell difficult words (for example, words with unstressed vowels, words with the letter string ‘ough’); learning guidelines for word endings (for example, ‘ary’, ‘ory’, ‘ery’, ‘tion’, ‘cian’, ‘cious’, ‘cial’, ‘tious’, ‘tial’, ‘able’, ‘ible’); distinguishing between homophones and other words that are commonly confused.
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